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Druid Companion Builds: A Comparative Analysis between Diablo 4 and Diablo 2

Jan-30-2024 PST

The allure of the Druid Companion build in Diablo 4 draws parallels to its predecessor, Diablo 2, with players embracing the philosophy reminiscent of the past. However, detailed analysis reveals nuances and differences in playstyle, gear requirements, and overall effectiveness. This examination explores the design intent, gameplay experience, and existing challenges within the Druid Companion build in Diablo 4, drawing comparisons to its counterpart in Diablo 2.

1, Alignment with Diablo 2 Philosophy

The Druid Companion build in Diablo 4 appears to align with the design philosophy of its predecessor, Diablo 2. The potential for a passive playstyle in lower difficulty settings mirrors the approach taken by Druid zookeepers in D2. However, challenges arise as difficulty increases, necessitating a blend of passive and support skills for optimal performance.

2, Passive Playstyle and Pet Survival

In lower difficulty settings, a completely passive playstyle in Diablo 4's World Tier 4 (WT4) allows Druid companions, particularly wolves, to survive without casualties. This experience parallels the passive approach viable in Diablo 2 at lower player settings. The wolves' survivability in WT4, akin to player level 1 in D2, showcases the potential of the build when played in a more relaxed manner.

3, Unclear Pet Damage Tool Tip

Despite the effectiveness of the Druid Companion build, concerns emerge regarding the clarity of the pet damage tooltip. Ambiguities exist, and players seek clarification from developers to comprehend the intricacies of pet damage calculations. A call is made for the introduction of a pet board, providing a transparent overview of pet capabilities and performance.

4, Comparison to Diablo 2's Druid Companions

A detailed comparison between Diablo 4's Druid companions and their counterparts in Diablo 2 reveals similarities and differences. While the D4 companions are effective when built properly, it becomes apparent that the D2 Druid companions were never intended for completely passive gameplay. The need for support skills and active engagement with the build aligns with the D2 philosophy.

5, Challenges in Higher Difficulty Settings

As difficulty increases, particularly in Nightmare (NM) levels, the Diablo 4 Companion build faces challenges. While wolves remain resilient in NM50, difficulties arise in NM80, demanding a more active playstyle and strategic gear optimization. The struggle highlights the balance required between passive and support elements to navigate higher-tier content effectively.

6, Inconsistencies in Damage Output

Players raise concerns about inconsistencies in damage output, especially with wolves. Discrepancies between tool tip values and actual damage output prompt a need for clarification from developers. The distinction between passive damage sources and inconsistencies, particularly with wolves, requires attention for a more cohesive and transparent gaming experience.

7, Proposal for a Pet-Focused Board

A community proposal surfaces, suggesting the implementation of a pet-focused board in Diablo 4. This addition would serve as a dedicated interface, offering insights into pet capabilities, damage distribution, and overall performance. Such a feature aims to enhance the understanding and optimization of the Druid Companion build.


While the Druid Companion build in Diablo 4 echoes the philosophy of its Diablo 2 counterpart, nuances and challenges distinguish the two experiences. The alignment with passive playstyle options, concerns about pet damage tooltips, and the need for clarity underscore the ongoing evolution of the build. As the community delves into theory crafting, the hope is for developers to address existing issues, introduce transparency through a pet board, and refine the Druid Companion build for a robust and enjoyable gameplay experience.

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